WiFi internet access provided by SCPL at Cedar Bluff Baptist Church is currently down. We are working to have it restored. We appreciate your patience.


Learn how to write simple poetry and illustrate it on Monday, March 10th from 6 to 8pm.
Marion Main Library, 118 S Sheffey Street, Marion, VA, 24354, United States

On Monday, March 10th (6-8pm), come to the library for an Illustrated Poetry workshop.  In this workshop we will be reading and writing haikus, which are among the simplest and most elegant forms of poetry. We will then learn how to illustrate our haiku with Japanese ink painting, (sumi-e), the art of painting using brush, ink & thin absorbent “rice-paper”.  We will concentrate on painting bamboo trunks, branches & petals.

Don’t let the Japanese names scare you off.  We’ll teach you everything you need to know.

All materials provided.
Class limited to 15.
Ages 18+

Pre-register for a guaranteed spot by emailing rachelg@scplva.net.

Have questions?  Contact us.

Rachel Gibson
Adult Programming Librarian
(276) 783-2323 ext. 231 

Smyth Co. Public Library
118 S Sheffey St
Marion, VA 24354

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