Meeting Room Policy

The Smyth County Public Library system offers three meeting rooms in the Main Library in Marion, the Copenhaver Room, the Telehealth Meeting Room, and the DC Miller Law Office, for use by members of the community. 

  • Subject to the conditions set out in this policy, any community group or organization may use the SCPL meeting rooms. 
  • The Copenhaver Meeting Room, the Telehealth Meeting Room, and Miller Law Office are available only during the hours the Marion Main Library is open to the public. 

  • Library functions will have priority over any other use of a meeting room.  Only the library or a library group may sponsor a fund-raising or purely social program.    
  • No fee will be charged for events held in the meeting rooms nor may groups show copyrighted materials.  Groups may not charge an admission fee, nor may a collection or tuition fee be taken.  Also, no products may be sold.
  • The only exceptions are in the case of paid registration at conferences, institutes, or programs held in cooperation with SCPL, or payment of fees for regularly scheduled education courses for which special permission has been granted by the SCPL Board of Trustees.
  • Organizations using SCPL meeting rooms must provide a qualified operator for all equipment used.  While SCPL makes technology available for use, library staff members are not available to operate equipment during meetings or events. Library staff cannot  move or rearrange furniture for meeting organizers.
  • Groups will be held responsible for damages to any library facilities, including furniture, carpeting, and equipment. 
  • Valid identification of the individual responsible for the use of the meeting room must be presented to library staff before the meeting room will be made available. 
  • Light snacks and beverages are permitted in the meeting rooms with prior approval from the Director. No alcoholic beverages may be served on library property. 
  • Smoking, vaping, and use of all tobacco products are prohibited in the library and on library grounds. 
  • SCPL is not responsible for private property used on Library premises.  Private property to be used, demonstrated, exhibited, shown, or merely brought into the Library is the owner’s responsibility.
  • SCPL reserves the right to move a meeting or event to another suitable location within the Library.  Rarely, a meeting may be cancelled, with ample notice, to accommodate a library sponsored program.
  • All publicity must carry the name of the organization sponsoring the meeting.  No program in the Library may be broadcast without permission of the SCPL Board of Trustees.  The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies.  SCPL is not responsible for the content of programs held in Library facilities.
  • Baby-sitting services are not provided by SCPL.  Adults attending meetings should not leave their children unattended in the Library.  Meetings or programs may not disrupt the use of the Library by others.
  • A group or organization that does not adhere to the meeting room policy or doesn’t require its members to adhere to the policy may lose meeting room privileges for a specified time or permanently, at the discretion of the Director.
  • The person or persons to whom permission to use the meeting room is issued, shall be responsible for any and all damage to County property and shall assume the expense of and indemnify and save harmless the County, its employees and officers free and against any and all claims, liabilities, judgments, costs, causes of action, judgments, damages and expenses whether in law or equity or otherwise, and shall pay all attorney’s fees, court costs, and other costs incurred from or sought to be recovered from the County, its employees, and officers for reason of damage to property, personal injury or death of any person rising from the applicant’s use of the meeting room.  The Library Director, with the concurrence of the County Attorney, may require such public liability insurance as is deemed necessary to protect the interest of the County.


This policy was approved by the Smyth County Public Library Board of Trustees on July 21, 2022 and will be reviewed no later than July 2026 or earlier as needed. 

©2025 Smyth County Public Libraries. All rights reserved.