Access to National Newspapers

SCPL is pleased to announce that we are now offering our patrons online access to five national U.S. daily newspapers: The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and The Los Angeles Times. The U.S. Major Dailies database from ProQuest provides the full text of each daily paper dating back to at least 1987 (and earlier for several). The database does not include photos or other graphics.

To access the online newspapers, go to the front page of the library’s website, under the collections heading, click on “Online Resources.” Scroll down to the Newspapers subheading and click on “U.S. Major Dailies.” After entering your library card number, you will enter the main search page. At the top of the page, choose the “publications” search option. On the next screen, choose “Newspapers” on the left navigation pane. A list of 23 publications will appear. Click on the paper you wish to read. You will be taken to a list of articles from the most recent edition of the paper. Click on the articles of interest. You can e-mail, download, or bookmark the articles. You can use the search function to find earlier editions or to identify articles on topics of interest.